Tuesday, April 6, 2010

DaNcE sHoEs BaCk On

It's time for me to put my dancing shoes back on. I was asked by the owner of the studio I danced at to teach a few classes until their recital in June. :) Heck yes! It's a couple of hours a week: jazz and maybe a tap class. It will be a paid temporary job. I'm so excited to help out these classes. Nervous...
I have applied for a few jobs and will be applying for another part-time job this week - nothing has worked out. I still have my "part-time" job at OIT for another few months. I have been praying and fasting about it, hoping that something would work out...I have realized that nothing Nic and I have planned has really worked out - something always better works instead. It always amazes me that we're always on the Lord's mind and He has the plan that works best. It's our responsibility to put our trust and faith in the Lord...oh yeah. And patience. It's so hard especially when you want something so bad.
Patience, faith and trust I have. I'm so glad that I have been given this opportunity to help teach dance classes. :) I'm so grateful that the Lord is so mindful of each of us.

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