Thursday, July 5, 2012

eArLy BiRtHdAy

Nic surprised me with an early birthday surprise trip to Ashland.
On our way we saw this beauty just chillin' on a vacant house.
He took me to Rogue Valley Runners. 
This is an amazing running store that fits you for shoes.
They first videotape you while you run briefly on a treadmill (I felt super awkward).
Based on how you run (I pronate which means my feet role in) they bring out 5 or so pairs of shoes. You try them on and pick which one you like best.
Thank you to Leeland for fitting me for my amazing running shoes. 
They were the first pair I tried on.
We then headed to Wiley's World. 
 Oh Neeko. You're silly.
 Gluten free alfredo? Yes please!
Thank you to Neeko for an amazing early birthday gift!
I'm loving my new running shoes!