Our story...
Nic and I met at a Young Single Adult conference in Medford at the beginning of May (3 & 4). We hung out at the dance, church the next day, and then over at his house with a group of people. The next few weeks were spent either talking on the phone or text messages - I am pretty sure my parents would say that my phone was plastered to my hands. I threw a surprise party at my house on May 17 and personally invited him. The night of May 18 was our first kiss and it became "official" on the 19. Some might say it was fast moving, but if it's right then why fight it? We first discussed the topic of marriage on June 1 and decided also on that day that we were going to get married. He thought I wanted to wait and I thought he wanted to wait - we decided if it's right then why wait? So marriage it is - yay!!! June 26 was the night never to be forgotten - he popped the question at Bear Creek Park: torches, votives, dinner, music = perfect night.
Hooray!! The girl who thought she would NEVER get married! (Just a little reminder that you are only 20) I actually didn't think it was too fast... remember what I said at the beginning of the summer? "Never say never!" Anyways, I am glad that you are joining the married clan and you and Nic could not be more perfect for each other. Can't wait to see you both in Sunriver!
Needless to say, I didn't make a dime during the month of May cause I spent the whole month talking to Alli. I am not complaining though, I love every minute of it!
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