Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sad day...

So.....I have some disappointing news.....I found out recently that I won't be able to graduate as soon as I wanted to. I thought I was going to be able to graduate this December, but it turns out I will be graduating exactly 1 year from now. Big fat BOO. I only have 8 classes left - 8! - and it's going to take me 3 terms to finish these blasted 8 classes. The reason is because they only offer them at a certain time and/or they are sequence classes that I have to take in a specific order. So...I will be a college graduate for the class of 2010! Sounds so far away! Oh and well though...'tis life!


Anonymous said...

YEAH! We'll be graduating together. It seems like FOREVER, I know, but time seems to go quicker and quicker with each passing day!

Bean said...

It's getting closer. Keep up the good work and it will be over before you know it.

Dani said...

Did you talk to an adviser about maybe taking two of the sequential classes in one semester together? I did that with two science classes that were supposed to be taken one after the other and it wasn't a big deal at all. If not, a year really isn't that long in the grand scheme of things and it will be well worth it!

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Bummer when it's not what you were expecting or hoping for! But you'll get there! Hang in there Al!

natalie said...

oh bummer! sorry alli that stinks! but hey, maybe you'll meet some good friends or something in those classes in the future!

mom-jayne said...

It'll be her before you know it!! Keep your chin up!!

Shauna said...

I'm sure it will go by super fast!!

suzanne said...

You know, maybe you'll be able to work more hours and help square a few more bucks in the bank before you start a family!

Taryn said...

Take it from a "professional" student. The year will fly by. Besides, this is a time you should treasure. Many of my friends, who are finished with school, look at me as envy that I'm still a student. (Or rather a student once again) They really miss the educational atmosphere. So look at it as a blessing that you'll get to hang out with smarty pants for a year longer. hee hee

Sam said...

I knew we would graduate at the same time. It's worth it. And do what Dani suggested. It usually works. And it's only a year. That's not that bad at all...